A mariposario is a butterfly house; mariposa is butterfly. Both are ubiquitous in beautiful, subtropical Mindo, where I spent the weekend. Mindo is this tiny town two hours southwest of here, set in the jungled mountains. To get from Mindo's teeny center to the mariposario, you walk down a dirt road, through meadows and past little mountains, until you come to this charming place with a hand-painted sign and tour buses parked out front.
And thanks to Blogger's upgrade - executed not without tears shed and data lost - I can now enlarge my mariposa pictures with ease! May you all enjoy Patagonian Road's new and improved picture quality.
And.....holy *%(*!!!! I noticed this enormous thing, which I can only imagine is somehow the beginnings of a beautiful mariposa, hiding under a leaf, just looking at me. Que miedo!!!! I am terrified of all things wormlike.
Ahhhhhh! I can't even bear to look at it.
Taking this picture, in fact, was super difficult, but I did it for you all.
Love, Kate
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