Leave the door open for the unknown, the door into the dark | Rebecca Solnit, A Field Guide to Getting Lost

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Seeing Coroico

Hi lovelies! 

Here are a few pictures from beautiful Coroico, a teeny-tiny town three hours north of La Paz. In those three hours you can leave the cold heights of the city, the barren hillsides, and arrive in this jungled place, where hippies walk around barefoot selling jewelry, and the locals roll their eyes at them. Coroico was a lush place for gathering my thoughts...and sitting by the pool! Yes, my hostel had a pool, and French cuisine too, and all this for, like, six dollar per night. Now I'm sitting in Potosi in a hat and gloves, and I miss the warmth. And you all! Besitos!

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